Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Halal Haram

In the name of God,Most Gracious,most Merciful.
"Truly Allah loveth those who turns unto Him,and loveth those
Who have a care for cleanliness"

Muslims are sensitive as to whether the food they consume is Halal.
They will feel assured by and buy only products whose Halal status
is guaranteed.Therefore those who produce for the Muslim market should ensure
that the products are genuinely Halal.Unfortunately some unscrupulous
corporations and businessmen act irresponsibly and sell non-Halal products
to Muslims by misrepresenting them as Halal.

The government must now step in and introduce laws to punish the
culprits.A new law dealing with Halal products and services should be
introduced and,at the same time,existing laws amended to bring them in line
with the new law.

A new Halal/Haram Act would help to ensure that producers act more responsibly in labelling food products as Halal.When there is a
dispute concerning the Halal status of a product,the burden must
be on the producer,the distributor and the seller to prove that it is Halal.
The Act should also provide for the use of the word"Non-Halal"on products/services prohibited under Islamic law as a guide and warning to
Muslims.These include not only meat and products containing pork sources
but also other products that are prohibited in Islam.

The proposed Act will create a demand for Malysian Halal products
internationally,which is in line with the government's policy to make
Malaysia one of the largest producers of Halal products in the world.
The products will also be popular with non-Muslims who prefer Halal food.

Existing laws should also be amended so as to give a comprehensive definition of what is Halal and require manufactures and producers to provide adequate information about the ingredients.For example,under the Food
Act,the law on food labelling needs to be amended so as to ensure that Haram
ingredients are mentioned on the label.If a substance can be obtained from
several sources,the producer should be required to state from which source it
was obtained.This will help Muslim consumers to avoid any food and products
that contain doubtful or Haram substances.

"Let man consider his food,how we pour water in showers.Then split
the earth in clefts and cause the grain to grow therein and grapes and green
fodder and olive trees and palm trees and garden closes of thick foliage and
fruits and grasses:Provision for you and your cattle.

The above verse from the Quran clearly shows that Allah SWT has provided
man with all kinds of food.Foods that are natural are Halal and pure to eat.
On the other hand,modern foods that have been processed contain all kinds of
substances that are doubtful or Haram.

Until the Halal/Haram Act becomes a reality,Muslims are advised to
scrutinise the labels before buying.

*Excerpted from the book of
'Halal Haram'
Dato' Seri Dr.Harussani Zakaria
State Government of Perak Darul Ridzuan,Malaysia

Zikir Harian Rasulullah

Hadis mengenai zikir antaranya ialah:

Sabda Rasulullah:
"Basahi lidahmu dengan zikrullah."
(Riwayat Muaz r.a.)

Sabda Rasulullah:
"Setiap sesuatu itu ada alat penyucinya,dan alat penyuci hati
adalah zikrullah."
(Abu Musa As-Syaari)

Allah SWT berfirman:
"Maka ingatlah kepada-Ku,akan Aku ingat kepadamu."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mutiara Renungan Ummah

Umat Islam mesti berilmu bukan hanya menongkat dagu.
Umat Islam mesti banyak membaca bukan melihat orang baca.
Umat Islam mesti berdakwah bukan hanya pandai menyalah.
Umat Islam mesti bukan berbangga di bumi bertuah.
Umat Islam mesti menjaga waktu bukan membazir waktu.
Umat Islam mesti kaya jiwa bukan kaya harta.
Umat Islam mesti bekerja keras bukan pemalas.
Umat Islam mesti merenung bukan termenung.
Umat Islam mesti mengkaji bukan berangan tidak bererti.
Umat Islam mesti berhati-hati bukan membuta tuli.
Umat Islam mesti disegani bukan ditakuti.
Umat Islam mesti bersatu hati bukan hasad dan dengki.
Umat Islam mesti berpolitik bukan main-main politik.
Umat Islam mesti menang bukan kalah dalam perjuangan.
Umat Islam mesti mensyukuri bukan kufur nikmat.
Umat Islam hanya berpandukan Al-Quran,Hadis,Qias,Itjima'
dan Ijtihad,kelak kita terselamat dunia dan akhirat...